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From the main biography page of this site:

Father joins British code-breakers at Bletchley Park in 1942


Jasper: "And, my father went off [with the British Army] again, round Africa to Egypt." After Egypt, Jasper's father returned to England in 1942 and joined British German-language specialists as an Intelligence Officer, and went to work on the very secret project of code-breaking the German military's Enigma encryption device at Bletchley Park, England until 1944. (Alan Turing was the most important figure in the breaking of the German Enigma cipher at Bletchley Park and is considered to be the father of modern computing.)  Jasper became convinced his father was a spy because he was constantly speaking German, and would disappear for days a time.  In fact, he went off to Bletchley to translate encrypted German messages in the utmost secrecy. Being able to read encrypted German military messages was an extremely vital part of the British and Allied war effort, and shortened the war by years and saved countless lives.


King's College, Cambridge


Jasper said that when he started as a student at King's he would frequently come across Alan Turing (1912-1954) when he would go off on "one of his famous runs" at Cambridge, and they would exchange a greeting. All of the work at Bletchley Park during the war in the breaking of the German military's Enigma code was classified as top secret until the 1970s. Jasper's father died in 1961. It's very likely that Jasper's father would have met Turing at Bletchley Park. And, Jasper was friends with Humphry Trevelyan (1909-1964) who was a Lecturer in German at Cambridge, and was someone who his father knew well. Humphry also worked at Bletchley Park during the war. While working with a group of translators on a decoded German military message that was being translated into English, Humphry said humorously: "…That's not how Goethe would have put it." Humphry was the youngest son of G.M. Trevelyan (1876-1962), who also was at Cambridge at this time and serving as the Master of Trinity College. Jasper painted a portrait from memory of each of the Trevelyans mentioned above.




Above: On the left, Jasper's father William came across Alan Turing (the father of modern computing) at Bletchley Park during the Second World War decoding secret German military messages, and Jasper came across Turing at Cambridge. On the right, both Jasper and his father were friends with Humphry Trevelyan who also worked at Bletchley Park decoding German messages during the war.



Above: The mansion at Bletchley Park, which was used as a base by the British for German Enigma code breaking operations during the Second World War.





Above: The ability of the British to read the secret encrypted codes of the Nazi German military saved many Allied lives and shortened the duration of the Second World War by several years.





Above: More Trevelyans: On the left Humphry's highly respected father, and on the right Humphry's wife Molly and sons.



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